Investment process

Nascent Ventures selects high potential technologies derived from (nano-)physics research at universities and research institutes in the Netherlands. The Fund has received support letters from most of the relevant institutes and universities, including:

  • FOM (Stichting Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie, including its research institutes Nikhef, Amolf and Differ).
  • SRON (Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
  • ECN (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands)
  • Technical University of Eindhoven
  • University of Twente
  • University of Utrecht
  • University of Groningen
  • University of Leiden

The Fund will screen and select technologies from based on a proprietary due diligence process on various aspects of the technology, including: uniqueness, performance, application space, research, team and fundability.

Once a technology has been selected the Fund will proceed in four steps:

  1. Founding the Startup
  2. Providing Convertible Loan
  3. Managing and Building the Startup
  4. Equity round

After a positive investment decision a new startup company will be established by issuing founder shares to the founding partners, including the Fund. After establishment, the Fund will provide a convertible loan up to euro 250k to fund the startup during the “exploration phase”. Complementary and non-dilutive funding will be attracted from public sources.

The startup has successfully completed the exploration phase when it has developed a compelling investment proposition to VC investors comprised of:

  • Proven technology (TRL 6-7)
  • Attractive business plan
  • Strong management team.

The Fund invites external investors to lead a seed round in which the Fund can co-invest. The convertible loan will be converted as part of this seed round.


Feel free to contact us for more information or if you have a specific question.

Contact Form

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